JLS_SERVICE_LOGLEVEL: Logging of IDE requests and responses (default warn).JLS_STATS_TOKEN: Enables an auth token for the stats API at /reportApi (HTTP POST).

JLS_STATS_FROM: From address for stats emails.JLS_SMTP_PASSWORD: SMTP password (auth disabled if empty).JLS_SMTP_USERNAME: SMTP username (auth disabled if empty).JLS_SMTP_PORT: SMTP server port (default 25).JLS_SMTP_SERVER: SMTP server host to use for sending stats (stats disabled if empty).JLS_REPORT_OUT_OF_LICENSE: Warn about lack of licenses every hour following the percentage threshold (default 0).JLS_STATS_RECIPIENTS: Reports recipients email addresses for stats (comma delimited).JLS_ACCESS_CONFIG: JSON file to configure user restrictions (default /data/access-config.json).JLS_PROXY_PASSWORD: Password to connect to the proxy server (no auth if empty).JLS_PROXY_USER: Username to connect to the proxy server (no auth if empty).JLS_PROXY_PORT: The port number that the proxy server listens to.JLS_PROXY_HOST: The host name of your proxy server.JLS_CONTEXT: Context path used by the license server (default /).JLS_VIRTUAL_HOSTS: Virtual hosts where license server will be available (comma delimited for several hosts).TZ: The timezone assigned to the container (default UTC).Ghcr.io/crazy-max/jetbrains-license-server # Build image and output to docker (default)ĭocker buildx bake image-all Image Registry